We offer courses for
people who want to feel good in their bodies and enjoy intimacy and their sexuality in the way they've been (secretly, or not so secretly?) dreaming of. Our mission is to guide you to discover all the magic that your body, sexuality and intimate relationships can offer.
Because of our own past struggles with shame, body image, pain during sex, low desire and more, we LOVE witnessing the moment when our course participants realize that they too can access all this goodness - no matter their past experiences. Our bodies and minds are DESIGNED for healing and pleasure. They are like everything else in nature: resilient and fascinating.
We are known for our “just press-play” courses that you can enjoy however best fits your life: short solo exploration sessions, date nights with partners or workshops with friends. We also offer in-person courses, that include sharing circles.
But the thing that brings our participants concrete impacts? It’s the way we combine: engaging multimedia resources organized with inspirational stories, therapeutic practices, reflection questions and group coaching sessions with peers. All this helps people work through their personal barriers.
Structure + inspiration + results = motivation.
Intimacy exploration is supposed to feel like a fun and rewarding quest. Not another thing on your to-do list!