1 hour a week to infuse your life with sensory and sexual pleasure
"It was like discovering more of the richness of being alive." 
1 hour a week to infuse your life with sensory and sexual pleasure
"It was like discovering more of the richness of being alive." 

Do you feel...

  • ​you want to appreciate your body and experience sensory or sexual pleasure more often?
  • uninspired, disappointed or stuck with intimacy or sex?
  • ​you don’t have enough time, confidence or understanding to take action?

    You're in the right place!

Hi, there! We’re Unime

A feminist non-profit

We offer courses for people who want to feel good in their bodies and enjoy intimacy and their sexuality in the way they've been (secretly, or not so secretly?) dreaming of. Our mission is to guide you to discover all the magic that your body, sexuality and intimate relationships can offer.

Because of our own past struggles with shame, body image, pain during sex, low desire and more, we LOVE witnessing the moment when our course participants realize that they too can access all this goodness - no matter their past experiences. Our bodies and minds are DESIGNED for healing and pleasure. They are like everything else in nature: resilient and fascinating.

We are known for our “just press-play” courses that you can enjoy however best fits your life: short solo exploration sessions, date nights with partners, or workshops with friends. 

But the thing that brings our participants concrete impacts? It’s the way we combine: engaging multimedia resources organized with inspirational stories, therapeutic practices, reflection questions and coaching sessions. All this helps people work through their personal barriers. 

Structure + inspiration + results = motivation. Intimacy exploration is supposed to feel like a fun and rewarding quest. Not another thing on your to-do list!

Meet our coach

Marlene is a certified sexuality and relationship coach and Thai Massage therapist. Her professional and academic training includes knowledge, tools and practices from the fields of sexology, psychology, anthropology as well as modern and traditional exploration and trauma integration methods. She’s also a group facilitation geek who has led group processes with hundreds of people in 16 different countries. Her passion is to guide people to develop deeper relationships with themselves and others, and to discover how their bodies and sexuality can be a source of energy, confidence and pleasure.

Now imagine if you could...

  • appreciate your body just as it is at the moment, and easily feel connected to it
  • ​bring regular moments of calm and sensory pleasure into your everyday life
  • ​be excited about your sexuality, no matter your past experiences
  • learn techniques for expanding sexual pleasure and experiencing full-body orgasms
  • ​talk about sex and intimacy with comfort and confidence

  • ​have more energy for the things that matter to you

A 6-week course to guide you step by step to bring sensory and sexual pleasure into your life and learn techniques to enjoy your sexuality in the way you want.

In this kit, we’ve brought together everything we learned from our research, our clients, our professional training - and from our own personal journeys. The resources are informed by self-compassion, mindfulness, tantra, cathartic expressions, yoga, breathwork, somatic experiencing, thai massage, taoism and more!  

Our approach helps you to become your own best lover in a PLAYFUL way so you can enjoy intimacy with confidence, calmness and pleasure, and appreciate how your body is meant to feel like your home.

And all that with only 1-2 hours a week.

Yup. One hour a week is all you need to watch the videos, read the guides and do the practices for this course. Attending the optional live groups sessions (or watching the recordings) takes another hour. You might be thinking: too good to be true. But thanks to our course alumni we know that it works!

What our course participants are saying

Our course helped this woman to appreciate her breasts, feel attractive, be intentional with sex and intimacy and - as a side effect - build a relationship in which she feels for the first time “what love is”. Next to experiencing "a completely new, and almost infinite orgasm"!  
Before doing our course this woman rarely talked about sex with her partner and used to not feel any sensations in her pelvic area. She now talks about sex very often, is confident initiating sex and can connect to pleasure in her pelvis (even in non-sexual contexts!).

This kit is for you if you...

  • want to discover new things (embodiment techniques, pleasurable practices, different flavours of orgasm, anyone?). 
  • ​You like the idea of having access to a coach to ask questions and keep you accountable.
  • want a concrete, step-by-step process that's fun and helps you to build new habits for lasting impact. Maybe because you've tried other things (like therapy or day retreats) but didn’t experience the change you were hoping for, or because you've never invested much time in exploring your sexuality. 

This kit isn't for you if you...

  • aren't ready to get practical, look at your behavioural patterns and work on building new habits for connecting to your body and sparking pleasure. (Knowledge on its own is not enough. Impact comes from applying theory during practices and using it to inform our reflections and actions.)

  • expect quick fixes and immediate results.
  • ​​don't feel ready to explore what's unique about your body and your experiences.

  • ​​are looking for one-on-one coaching sessions. (Our coach does offer this but not in this course.)

So what's inside?

A 6-part process that you can explore
in 6 weeks, 6 weekends, or whenever it suits you!

We’ll dive straight in by guiding you to become more present, feel more alive and notice the endless potential for sensory pleasure throughout your day. 

We’ll cover the many ways that you can use your breathing to strengthen pleasure and circulate it throughout your whole body. 

A fresh perspective on self-acceptance and self-love. You’ll explore what being your own lover looks like for you as a powerful basis for calm and confidence and enjoying life.
You’ll also be guided to explore the double joy of touching and being touched with self-massage. 

While slowing down might sound like the opposite of exciting, it's a key to feeling a wider variety of sensations, experiencing maximum arousal, surrendering to orgasm and expanding pleasure throughout your body

You’ll also learn to use slowing down as a tool for calming your nervous system and releasing tension, anxiety and stress.

By now it will be time to go deeper and to start to liberate yourself from shame and fear, and explore emotional and sexual expression - however feels right to you. 

You’ll learn to move your body and express your feelings through sound to awaken and expand arousal, and release physical and emotional barriers to intimacy and pleasure.

This module we’ll really go next level with learning how to spark and increase genital arousal and pleasure without any physical touch!

You’ll learn about the role of your hormonal system in your sexuality and the transformative power of your mind through scientific perspectives, and practical experimentation with visualization and imagination. 

We'll wrap it all up and make sure to leave you with energy and motivation to make your desires a reality and continue on your journey.

We’ll provide scientific and tantric perspectives on the concept of energy (including an introduction to the “chakras”) and you’ll learn how to direct pleasure to flow throughout your body. 

You'll learn to use 6 techniques
to spark, strengthen, expand and spread pleasure

You'll get 12 audio-guided practices

Practices informed by all the approaches that we’ve found most helpful: tantra, taoism, yoga, different types of breath work, cathartic movements, self-compassion and more. Practices that will give you an opportunity to experience how the 6 techniques can be combined for presence, calm, energy and pleasure. 

Sharpen your five senses and experience sex in a multi-sensory way

(Re)train your nervous system, increase your self-compassion, and give yourself an oxytocin boost 

Release tension and stress, reduce anxiety and experience more powerful and longer orgasms

Release shame and fear related to sexual expression while sparking and expanding sexual arousal

Generate pleasure, connect to your nipples and increase appreciation for your body

Learn to move pleasure through your body and generate energy and motivation

Learn to direct your sensations to move throughout your body


Stimulate feelings of (self)love, compassion, safety and calm


Calm your nervous system and release tension and stress

Disconnect mentally, intuitively express pleasure and process emotions


Make love to yourself with just your mind, movements and breath


Feel nurtured, energized and happier and more at home in your skin

You'll be able to access
it all with just a few clicks

With our new mobile app, all our course content can be downloaded onto your phone so you can explore anywhere, anytime. Even if you don’t have access to the internet at home, when you're abroad, or are spending a night in the woods. 

Thanks to the progress tracking feature you can easily keep track of the parts you’ve completed. And the habit tracking is handy to build new weekly or daily habits and stay motivated.

Plus, we’re including five bonuses

Live video calls facilitated by our sexuality and relationship coach. Ask questions (directly or anonymously), share your experiences, or just listen and be inspired by others. 

If the timing of the calls doesn’t work for you, you can either watch the recordings or join the next course cohort. 

VALUE: 150$

Our Light Bath practice is one of our most popular practices.

For many people it’s THE practice that helps them for the first time to develop a real felt-sense connection with all potential sources of pleasure and orgasm in their vulvovaginal universe.


Emotions arise to give us a message. Repressing them can limit our capacity to experience pleasure and even cause physical and mental health issues.

These 3 cathartic sessions guide you to gently and safely feel and release different forms of fear, sadness and anger to relieve emotional burdens and be open to experiencing new types of pleasure.

VALUE: $45

Connect with fellow course participants for inspiration, encouragement and accountability. Anonymously or not - whatever works for you. And if you prefer not to share, you can read about other people’s experiences

We never sell community access separately so there is no price tag. But we’re constantly told that the community aspect is one of the most valuable aspects of our courses. 


If you're like us and want to spend less time in front of a screen - and you get satisfaction from tracking your progress by ticking boxes with a pen, then you'll appreciate this pdf. You can print it and put it in your journal or hang it on your door. 

VALUE: $15


To nudge you to take the plunge, we offer a final bonus to those who join before the timer hits 00:00:00.

"Own best lover" is a 40-minute guided journey to bliss. Explore the pleasure potential of your body and how you can be your own best lover by combining intention, self-touch, visualization, internal muscle movement and breathing - all together in a delicious mix.

VALUE: $30

Try it out and see what you think

If you invest in this course and it turns out not to work for you, just send us an email at We will refund you 100% of your money.

Why? This kind of exploration is new for most people, and we want to encourage you to give it a try. But we also want our participants to be happy to be there.

Join now with a huge discount

Because we've received financial support from some amazing funders who want more people to experience the transformation that this course can bring, we’re currently offering this course with a 60% DISCOUNT!

We can only offer this reduced price for a limited time, so if you’re looking for a deeper connection with your body and sexuality, come and join us!

This is what you'll get if you join us now

    Step-by-step plan for 6 weeks (or 6 weekends, 6 "date nights" or whatever works for you)
    introducing you to the content of the module
    covering different techniques to connect to your body and experience pleasure each module

    all of our favourite short practices to calm your nervous system, deepen your connection with your body and experience sensory pleasure with guides covering the benefits, instructions and FAQs
    a collection of thought-provoking questions in each module to reflect on your unique experience, identify take-aways and action steps - broken up into short sessions for solo introspection or discussion with a partner or friends. 
    from our coach Marlene about her own experiences with connecting to her body and using the 6 techniques


  • ​Access to our community area
  • ​6 group coaching sessions*
  • ​​Light Bath practice
  • ​3 Cathartic Release sessions
  • Track Your Journey PDF
  • Your Own Best Lover practice
*Session recordings will be available for a week.

This is what you'll get if you join us now

    Step-by-step plan for 6 weeks (or 6 weekends, 6 "date nights" or whatever works for you)
    introducing you to the content of the module
    covering different techniques to connect to your body and experience pleasure each module

    all of our favourite short practices to calm your nervous system, deepen your connection with your body and experience sensory pleasure with guides covering the benefits, instructions and FAQs
    a collection of thought-provoking questions in each module to reflect on your unique experience, identify take-aways and action steps - broken up into short sessions for solo introspection or discussion with a partner or friends. 
    from our coach Marlene about her own experiences with connecting to her body and using the 6 techniques


  • ​Access to our community area
  • ​6 group coaching sessions*
  • ​​Light Bath practice
  • ​3 Cathartic Release sessions
  • Track Your Journey PDF
*Session recordings will be available for a week.



It's a ONE-TIME-ONLY payment for lifetime access to the course.
*As we’re a Canadian organization you’ll be charged the equivalent of 79 US dollars in Canadian dollars.



It's a ONE-TIME-ONLY payment for lifetime access to the course.
*As we’re a Canadian organization you’ll be charged the equivalent of 79 US dollars in Canadian dollars.

Any questions? We got you!

Is this program suitable for newbies to this kind of exploration?

Absolutely. We’re a no-taboo organization and community. That means some of the frankness and vulnerability might be a bit of a surprise - and maybe even embarrassing. But also… refreshing? We’re experts in making people feel at ease and creating spaces where they can be honest and themselves. If you want to attend the live sessions, there’s never any pressure to talk. You can always choose to just listen to others.

How much time will it really take to complete each module?

We get that everyone’s busy. It’s hard to fit something new into a schedule that’s already full. That’s why the course only takes 1 hour a week - or 2 hours if you want to join the live sessions. The content is broken down into small chunks of 3-15 minutes. And of course if you have more time on your hands, you could do each of the practices several times, go deeper with your reflections or even do multiple modules in a week!

Can I buy now and start later? 

Sure! You can start anytime. In case you didn’t spot it above: we offer lifetime access. That means that if life gets busy, you can just pause and then come back to it whenever things have calmed down a bit.

Is the $47 not a monthly subscription?

We understand that you’re wondering. It may seem too good to be true, but currently we are really offering the Connection Kit for one payment of just 47$. You won’t be charged more. It's not a subscription course.

How long will I have access to the content?

Forever. So even after completing the course, you can come back to it whenever you like - and integrate your favourite practices into your weekly "routine". We’ve built this course around practices that can be helpful for the rest of your life. The practices that you find most valuable or enjoyable will likely change over time, so it can be interesting to revisit them. The reflection questions also tend to bring up new realizations and action steps each time you do them.

Will I need any props or anything else?

For some practices you’ll need a pillow. But that’s it! We made sure that you won’t need to buy anything and can enjoy the practices anytime, anywhere. For the massage practices you can use oil, but that’s optional. 

Is the kit accessible on all devices?

Our online app is super easy to use and works on computers, mobile phones and tablets. You can also cast it onto a TV or even use a projector if you’re exploring the content with a partner or friends.

How is trauma taken
into account in this course?

Many people have experienced some kind of trauma related to sex or intimate relationships. We always take a trauma-informed approach when designing our courses. Some of the practices in this course can help to work through mental and physical barriers, and gently release trauma and negative emotions. That said, keep in mind that this course does not come with one-on-one coaching. If exploring experiences of sexual trauma is something you’d like to focus on, we can provide information on practitioners and organizations specializing in this area.

What about health issues,
pregnancy, surgeries etc.?

In general, people find our practices very supportive when they’re struggling with health issues or need time to get used to physical changes after a surgery or giving birth. When relevant, we offer suggestions for adaptations - including for pregnancy, breast feeding, or certain types of illness or cancer. If you’re unsure if the practices will be suitable for you, you can write to us for more information or check with a doctor or health professional. Having lifetime access also allows you to explore our course content at your own pace and take more time if you’d like to.

I'm 50+, is this course suitable for me?

Definitely! So far we have had participants from 21 to 64 years old and people of all ages have experienced wonderful impacts in their lives. 

How can I get in touch?

You can always send us an email at and we’ll be happy to answer your questions about this course or this offer, or about our organization.

More testimonials from our community



It's a ONE-TIME-ONLY payment for lifetime access to the course.
*As we’re a Canadian organization you’ll be charged the equivalent of 79 US dollars in Canadian dollars.



It's a ONE-TIME-ONLY payment for lifetime access to the course.
*As we’re a Canadian organization you’ll be charged the equivalent of 79 US dollars in Canadian dollars.
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